Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Perspective in One Graphic (the most egocentric post ever)

As a visual thinker, I have always loved sketching charts and graphs and trying to draw pictures to illustrate ideas.  My whiteboard habits are well known to those who have worked with me.  And now that infographics are all the rage, here is one graphic representing... me.

Looking through sketches and thoughts in old notebooks, at articles I have shared online, what books I have read, classes I have taken, RSS feeds in my Google Reader, tags I use in Evernote and other sites, I have been compiling a list of topics that interest me and influence how I think.  Naturally I was tempted to see if I could connect all of them together in a diagram.  The result is this graphic, an overly simple illustration of my perspective on life.  In theory this is a key for understanding me.  Although the fact that I even did it is the most important point.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah. I noticed this graphic on the header of your Google Plus profile.

    Interesting to see "Game Theory" on here. Is this board game theory or also video game theory? The past three weeks I've gotten slightly hooked on the iOS's top game, Transformers: Legends. I'm enjoying trying to figure out the economics of the game. I even have some Google spreadsheets to assist me with which Transformers I should be upgrading next.

    Also interesting to see "PEOPLE" on this list. Have you gotten into Myers-Briggs personality types? Couple that with the book "Presidential Temperament" and you have a nice cross-over.
